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Our Services

Medical Billing

Optimize revenue cycles and ensure timely reimbursements with our expert billing services.

Medical Coding

Ensure accuracy and compliance with our coding solutions.

A/R Management

Tracking A/R performance can find money that should be yours.

Denial Management

Minimizing claim denials to secure faster, more reliable reimbursements for your practice.

Claims Management

Ensuring accurate and timely claims processing to maximize your reimbursements.

Financial reporting

Providing clear, actionable financial reports to keep your practice’s revenue on track.

How it works

The Claim Process


Collecting Patients Data : This process involves the patient registration appointment and patient on boarding which we will help us to keep track on each and every patient visits to office.


Insurance Verification: Updating the billing system with most recent insurance information of patient details such as member ID, group ID coverage period, and co-pay information and other benefits information.


Provider Enrolments

  1. Individual Provider Credentialing

  2. Group Enrolment

  3. Individual Provider Linking to Group


Claim Submission

  1. Data Entry & Patient Demographics

  2. Implementation models

  3. Medical Record Documentation

  4. Medical Coding

  5. Charge Posting


Claim Management

  1. Payment Posting and Reconciliation

  2. Denial Management

  3. Secondary Insurance Billing

  4. Patient Calling


Patient Billing

  1. Handling of Refunds

  2. Credit Balance

  3. Handle Appeals for contested claims

  4. Indexing of documents to the patient accounts

  5. We work on LOP

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